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Help needed: second hand P4XL Aktiv - how to connect to amplifier?

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    Help needed: second hand P4XL Aktiv - how to connect to amplifier?


    I really hope someone can help me here...

    A week ago I bought my first set of Piega speakers, a pair of second hand P4 XL Aktiv (serial no. 6623 and 6624). The seller didn't know much about the speakers (he inherited them). The speakers were not even hooked up when I bought them, so I haven't listened to them yet, and don't even know how to connect them to my (non-B&O) pre-amplifier. In fact, I cannot even make the speakers switch on!

    I have written an email to Piega, and got this answer regarding the specific speakers: "The speaker with Serial No. 6624 has been sold back in 1999 and includes a B&O module what can only be used with B&O components". I have also been informed that the amplifier module is model A1 (according to a schematic I received).

    However, there must be a way to connect to a non-B&O pre-amp... but how? The seller claimed that he used the RCA input with his (non-B&O) amp.

    If you take a look at the attached picture you will find four connectors:
    1. The power plug
    2. A 8-pin DIN connector
    3. An RCA connector (also known as 'phono' or 'cinch')
    4. A mystery connector (attached in close-up)

    * Regarding the DIN connector, I guess it is for B&O eqipment. I tried yesterday to connect a DIN plug with 5V on pins 4 and 7 in an attempt to switch on the speakers, but to no avail.
    * I have tried to send audio to the RCA connector, hoping the speakers would auto sense the input and switch on, but that didn't work either.
    * And then there's the 'mystery connector'. To me it looks like a coaxial power connector, but what is it for? Do I need it to power on the speaker?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated! For a week all I have been able to do is look at the beautiful 'towers' - not listen to them.

    Furthermore, if the speakers are from 1999, which generation is it? Mk. I or Mk. II? What are the differences between them?

    Best regards from Denmark,

    martin norby

    Hi Martin

    Ah, I see. The speaker does not correspond to the original state. Someone has been modified the speakers with the mystery plug. What`s happened, we can not know. For this reason it is not possible to give support. I would try to get information by the previous owner or the dealer.

    Best regards​


      Hi Kurt

      Thank you so much for your answer. My plan is to take the speakers apart this weekend to see where the mystery connector ends. I will post my findings, just so that you will know what people may do to 'improve' on your speakers :-)

      Apart from the mystery connector, how should I expect to make the speakers switch on. According to a schematic I received by email, the RCA input has auto sense and should switch on the speaker. The DIN-connector has pin 4 connected to the 'MUTE' input of the amplifier block.

      Should I expect that an input on the RCA connector will power on the speaker and start playing?



        Hi Martin

        From our documents indicate that this speaker has an A2 module. To take the speaker into operation, it must be a voltage of 3-5 volts to pin 4 of the DIN socket. The RCA connector has no function. Good luck.



          Hello again Kurt,

          I promised to get back with my findings after taking a peek at the internal connections, especially the 'mystery connector'.
          As it turns out, the DIN-connector had no wiring at all - everything had been moved 'elsewhere' (the 'Before' image):
          * The audio input was soldered to the RCA connector
          * The trigger voltage had been moved to the 'mystery connector'.

          I know that the previous owner used the RCA input, and my guess is that he used a pre-amplifier with a 12V trigger voltage output. To step down the voltage to (max) 5V, the 'mystery connector' was fitted with a voltage divider and a few safety measures (a couple of diodes and a capacitor).

          I moved the input and trigger voltage back onto the DIN-connector (the 'After' image), and for the past two weeks I have discovered details in my favourite music that I never kvew was there.

          Thank you very much for your help.

          Out of curiosity, I have one question left: you've told me that my speakers are fitted with an A2 amplifier. I received a schematic (by email) showing the 'Aktiv-verstaerkermodul AI / II ausfuerung B/O' rev. 2 (3/4-99). As far as I can tell (and I'm no expert in electronics), the 'signal' input on J2 triggers the 'stand by' input on the amplifier IC. I would expect the circuitry to act as an auto sense trigger. Should I expect to be able to switch on the speakers just by supplying an audio signal? Is the auto sense circuitry fitted on my amplifier?



            Hi Martin

            No, the auto sense is not on board. You need the trigger voltage.

            Best regards


              Hello again, Kurt.

              Now I have gotten my hands on a set of S4 Aktiv (serialno. 8843 and 8844). My plan is to use them as surround speakers with the P4XLs as fronts.
              Could you please tell me which 'aktiv modul' is inside? I'm just curious...

              Thanks in advance,



                Hi Martin

                ​This pair is only for use with trigger voltage.

                Best regards

