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Amplifier for Premium 3.2

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    Amplifier for Premium 3.2

    Hello to all,

    I am looking for an integrater amplifier for my speakers Piega premium 3.2. As source i use Marantz NA11S1,

    I found some interesting offer and i don`t know wich is better for 3.2.

    Marantz PM15S2 - 800 EUR
    Accuphase E206 - 800 EUR
    Yamaha A-S2100 - 1500 EUR ( new )

    Or shoud i wait a little bit longer to save some money for PM11 or Accuphase E306V ?
    Do you think that Balanced output can perform better in my case ?

    Some advices from you woud be helpful.


    Hello crstian,

    due to technical issues with my default-amp Linn Majik DS-I, I am currently operating my Premiums 3.2 with a tiny Yamaha WXA-50 from guest-room, and it works. So Premiums 3.2 are not hungry for huge power. However I‘ll be glad once the Linn is back from repair, the Premiums 3.2 are good enough to reveal the difference between HiFi and High End.

    Nobody can bless or dismiss your idea to go for such an old Accuphase: you may end up with pleasant sound, however 30 years of age are ... 30 years. Even an Accuphase is not built for eternal life without issues. Careful technical sanity-check is inevitable must.
    Zuletzt geändert von oeringer; 22.05.2019, 23:36.

